HSC students in Jindabyne and Cooma are one step closer to success
HSC students in Jindabyne and Cooma are one step closer to success after completing the University of Wollongong’s Future Me Program. Run by the Country Universities Centre Snowy Monaro (CUCSM) on behalf of UOW, the inaugural cohort of 26 students graduated last week.
After signing up in Term 2, 6 students in Cooma and 20 in Jindabyne showed up week after week to develop their understanding of post-school options. Over 12 weeks, students worked through topics including career selection, budgeting, moving away from home, TAFE and university pathway options, resume and cover letter creation, scholarship applications, and wellbeing.
All students, who came from Monaro High School, Jindabyne High School, Snowy Mountains Grammar School, and St Mary Mackillop College, applied themselves to the program with enthusiasm, juggling their many commitments. Having completed the 12-week program they have not only developed their readiness for 2024, but they are also guaranteed an early entry offer to study at UOW.
Mac Livissianos from JHS is a NSW Institute of Sport mogul skiing athlete, and appreciated the support – Mac even tuned in from Canada while training and has used the program to help him secure early entry from UOW. Fellow JHS student Archie Craig agrees, sharing “It teaches you heaps about university and scholarships to get in, and early entry is just a bonus!”. Mac, Archie, and the other students celebrated their graduation by dressing up for a Professor-themed graduation party, complete with suits, ties, cake, and a pinata!
CUC Snowy Monaro would like to thank UOW for their support of the region through this free program, and the local schools for their support. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort of students in 2024! For ongoing support, HSC students will be able to access a variety of initiatives run by CUCSM, including free tutoring sessions, and library and Centre access in Jindabyne and Cooma in the lead up to the HSC. For more information on any of the Centre’s activities, please visit our social media or website.
The Snowy Trout Challenge is Back Again in 2021
The 2021-22 Snowy Trout Challenge will start on Friday 1 October after 500 large, tagged rainbow trout were released into 6 impoundments across the Snowy Monaro Region…
Trout have been release into:
- Lake Eucumbene
- Lake Jindabyne
- Lake Crackenback
- Black Lake, Bombala
- Murrumbidgee Pumping Station, Cooma
- Lake Williams, Nimmitabel
Now in its second year, the Snowy Trout Challenge (STC) is open to all anglers and is a region wide event across the Snowy Monaro that encourages visitation to the area and promotes the local waterways for fishing. The Snowy Trout Challenge runs from 1 October 2021 to 31 May 2022.
The rainbow trout were bred at the NSW Department of Primary Industries Gaden Trout Hatchery in Jindabyne…
“The NSW Government is pleased to support the 2021-22 Snowy Trout Challenge,” said an NSW Department of Primary Industries spokesperson. “This is a great initiative which showcases the Snowies region as our premier trout fishing destination and provides fantastic opportunities for families and kids to enjoy quality fishing for spectacular Rainbow Trout bred by the expert team at the DPI Fisheries Gaden Trout Hatchery at Jindabyne.”

The idea of the event is that anyone can catch one of the large rainbow trout, plus then can register their catch and go into the draw for monthly prizes. Additional prizes can be won for just registering for the event.
Each fish has been tagged with its own individual number on a White Tag for this year’s event.
To participate in the 2021-22 Snowy Trout Challenge, please register your details via the link at bottom. In return you will enter the draw to win a ‘Cash Prize’ generously sponsored by the Snowy Mountains Chambers Alliance. This prize will be drawn in June 2022 at the conclusion of the 2021-22 STC.
For every 2021* STC tagged Rainbow Trout you catch from 1 October 2021 to 31 May 2022, you are eligible to enter a monthly cash prize draw**.
To enter, you must register the details of your catch. Details on how to register your catch will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
*2021/22 STC tags are white. Pink 2020 STC tags are not eligible to enter in the monthly cash prize draw.
** Prize draws will commence once NSW is re-opened for regional travel.
The Snowy Trout Challenge is an initiative of local Chambers of Commerce and Snowy Monaro Regional Council and driven by volunteers who are eager to promote fishing in the region.
The participating chambers of commerce are:
- Bombala and District Chamber of Commerce
- Cooma Chamber of Commerce
- Lake Eucumbene Chamber of Commerce
- Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce
https://linktr.ee/snowytroutchallenge to register
To keep up-to-date on all things Snowy Trout Challenge, please follow the Snowy Trout Challenge Facebook page.
Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce
Response and submission to
Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct
Draft Master Plan
The Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce is the lead business organisation representing the interests of local businesses. The membership is represented by a broad section of the community. The Chamber has a tourism focused online presence ‘Destination Jindabyne’ whose purpose is to generate increased opportunities within Jindabyne. The Chamber’s lobbying is at the heart of the Go Jindabyne Project and has been supportive of the subsequent SAP Master Plan.
The Chamber Executive is made up of local business people and has a good diversity of ages, gender, business experience and time spent in the community.
This submission is completed on behalf of the Chamber and represents the views of the executive as whole. Individual member businesses have been encouraged to contribute to the entire process and have been asked to make individual and specific submissions based on their experiences.
The Chamber fundamentally supports the objectives of the SAP, that being to broaden the seasonality periods to which tourism provides economic prosperity to the region. We are supportive of the long term vision and the investment to be made by the NSW State Government.
In our support we believe it not overly critical in making comments that the master plan lacks the articulation of a vision. We believe that there needs to be a powerful ‘catch all’ description of what Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains would represent moving forward.
This vision should include a growing active full-time population, a pristine high altitude tourism location rich in adventure, arts and culture, heritage (indigenous and western), and of course climate change.
Specific comments on important elements of the draft Master Plan:
1. The Southern Connector
The Chamber fully supports the concept of a reconnected foreshore. This reconnection has the ability of allowing the construction of a main street and civic centre. We understand the importance of creating the road, to expose more land opportunities, and certainly understand the importance of direct access for the new school precinct. What we have difficulties understanding, is the plan’s desire to only have one lane each way on both the connector road as well as Kosciusko Road. In the past we have submitted the idea of land bridges to make the connection. We believe that the connector road is financially supportive as a catalyst project, and should be designed with two lanes or an over generous allotment of width, to allow for turns into future developments. At the same time we submit not to reduce the width of the Kosciuszko Road, but to have timed allocation for parking (i.e. clearway), cycle ways, bus transit lanes etc. We believe strongly in not reducing the two lanes into one.
2. Parking
Parking space helps drive commercial success. The Chamber is concerned by the lack of parking mentioned in the plan. It is understood that it may well appear in the delivery plan, however the Chamber believes strongly that there is the need for substantially more parking opportunities along the different nodes (foreshore, shopping, tourism areas, park and ride). Further, it’s the belief of Chamber that parking will remain at the forefront of residential growth. Cars, being the preferred Australian choice for transport, will remain so for the SAP time horizon. Fuel source and size may change, by personal transport concept. As to the size, we see larger cars on Australian roads as well as caravans and motorhomes. These must be catered for in any delivery plan.
Associated with parking are intelligent signs that point drivers to available parking spots. This technology may also be used to provide information to parking at Bullocks Flat, Perisher and Thredbo. This sort of information may also assist the public in making decisions to use public transport.
3. Tourism Specific Attractions
The specific purpose of increasing the tourism demand on the Snowy Mountains away from winter, is to provide a year round destination that will need to have added capacity for additional tourism activities. In this regard, the Chamber fully supports the proposed Mountain Bike Park and marvels at the possibilities of the Gondola idea. However we have equal weighting to the ideas for an:
· Indoor Entertainment Facility.
· Arts and Culture Tourism and Alpine Heritage Centre.
· Lake specific Tourism venture including Boating services.
The Chamber believes that a sustainable Jindabyne is one that offers more than an accommodation base for mountain activities. Hence, the Chamber fully endorses any project that brings Tourism into the area in off winter times.
4. Growth vs Catalyst focus
The Chamber supports the premise behind the activation of the western foreshore, however splitting the SAP into Growth and Catalyst seems counter intuitive. Why is the West a catalyst and not the East? Our rationale is that the east is ready for development now whereas the land to the west may be some years away from development.
We understand the need for the council to resume governance of large parts of Jindabyne though we would think it more pragmatic to define growth and catalyst in terms of activity rather than geography. Case in point is the land sold by Snowy Hydro. These parcels of land are strategic in location and should be seen as potential catalyst projects. Is it not possible for the catalyst project to be deemed commercial in nature (tourism accommodation, eco resorts, arts and cultural attractions, golf course, retail etc) and growth to be residential and repurposing?
Despite the focus we do support the rezoning of the western foreshore for commercial activities such as eco resorts and other attractions, with the proviso that the accommodation split is conserved to ensure seasonal workers and staff are accommodated into the mix.
5. Lake Foreshore
Without doubt a signature project for Jindabyne. The project to complete the re-connection to the foreshore, allowing for public space to enjoy the lake at various water levels, plus the ability to facilitate an additional Commercial precinct, potentially linked with other parts of the lake community via boat, is truly exciting. Our two concerns would be to ensure public space remains a public space without encroachment of commercial activity plus that the visual impact of any commercial development is in keeping with the nature of the lake. A square glass filled 6 storey building is not the ideal to strive for.
In that regard we again understand that the delivery plan will outline some of the permissible design attributes such a colour, height and ascetics, though we believe they are integral with the master plan that they should have been included.