Without the continued and generous support of small business and their advocates at the Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce, many community events and local facilities simply would not exist. One of the best things about living in a small regional town where Tourism plays such a big part in the local economy, is that businesses and community alike, are passionate about making sure visiting tourists are enjoying themselves and have an array of attractions to entertain them while they’re here.
Events such as the 50th Birthday Celebrations really brought all community and business groups together, working to ensure the celebrations were a success. In doing so, they all succeeded in highlighting the history and growth of a small country town into a dynamic and growing modern holiday destination and indeed a wonderful place to live. The BiCentenary festivities highlighted our unique multi-cultural identity, where pivotal contributors to the Snowy Hydro Scheme, along with the International influencers who so passionately developed our Ski Industry, created the makeup of a growing community who obviously work so well together. This integration into Australian society is like very few other destinations, and we celebrate it everyday.
Some years ago with an interest in trying to develop tourism and looking at gaps in tourism experiences, the Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce initiated the Flowing Festival, Jindabyne’s Dragon Boating Regatta, which is held in February, one of our slower months of the year. Over recent years this has been taken over and coordinated by the Lake Jindabyne Snow Dragons Club. Over time it has grown to incorporate dragon boat racing, markets and involvement by schools, local community groups and tourists visiting. It has increased the viability of many businesses during this month, a welcome economic impact. This year, just to draw attention to one of our successful local businesses sponsorships, the Banjo Paterson Inn offered up $1000 to the best fancy dress dragon boat time. A pat on the back to these guys, and every other local business who has come to the party to support local events.
The Lake Light Sculpture Festival has a long history from small beginnings 16 years ago. Traditionally held at Easter, it sees a huge influx of crowds who visit Banjo Paterson Park during the day and night. The Easter Long Weekend offers a fantastic opportunity to experience Jindabyne. The sculptures are all lit, and are displayed in an evocative setting with the reflections of the Snowy Mountains on the lake, providing a living studio for the artwork, but it is as night falls that the real magic begins. Illumination has, since the Festival’s inception, been a defining element of Lake Light Sculpture. Jindabyne see upwards of 20,000 visitors to the town through Easter.
“Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, organisations and supporters of this event, we are again able to offer a prize pool of $20,000 including the Major Prize of $10,000″ said Lake LightCommittee Chair, Lisa Matthes.”
With the present economic climate and costs of business, it is important to acknowledge how tough the pressures of small businesses are in a difficult economic environment. The operating costs of business continue to increase as the demand for space is under pressure. Even so, small business in Jindabyne continues to go above and beyond, supporting the community with raffle prizes, donations of goods and hard cash $$ to make this great town tick!
The Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce continues to make significant contributions to our Community of Jindabyne, and the wider Snowy Mountains. They have been a catalyst for events, supported with business skills and community engagement to ensure the viability and sustainability of a growing events calendar.
The business community of Jindabyne shares and cares, so get involved and join or start a group with common interests, continue to make Jindabyne a better place to live, and help our community become even more vibrant! Go Jindabyne!
If you would like further information on how you can become involved, you can:
Contact anyone on the Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce we’d be happy to point you in the right direction.
If you’ve got any ideas you think are worth pursuing and want to brainstorm with some like minded people, come along to Jindabyne Connect, every 4th Thursday at 5:30pm at Rydges Snowy Mountains, we’d love to hear what you have to say.
Get your business name out there, the Chamber can help, come and say hello at Jindabyne Connect.
Stay in touch on Social Media by following Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce or Destination Jindabyne.
Join our Jindabyne Connect Facebook Group.
Register to Jindabyne Chamber Email List by registering at http://eepurl.com/2Gxcz
Bruce Easton
President, Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce
Mobile 0417 217 750
Fiona Latham-Cannon
Media & Marketing, Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce