Golden gong for Peach Nectar schnapps
Wildbrumby wins gold medal at Australian Distilled Spirits Awards
Wildbrumby Distillery has been awarded ‘Gold’ for its Peach Nectar schnapps in the Schnapps Liqueur category at the Australian Distilled Spirits Awards.
Wildbrumby has been in the spirits business for well over a decade. It was one of the first craft distilleries established in Australia, and introduced schnapps – that quintessential tipple from the European Alps – to Australian snow sport enthusiasts.
Distiller Brad Spalding has developed many varieties of schnapps which have proven extremely popular among visitors to the Snowy region. Peach Nectar Schnapps is one of its classic range and has a rich succulent flavour.
Run by the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, the Australian Distilled Spirits Award is the only national awards program recognising excellence in Australian distilled spirits and liqueurs.
“We are honoured that one of our classic schnapps products has received a gold medal in this prestigious category,” says Wildbrumby founder, Brad Spalding.
“Schnapps is not a traditionally Australian spirit, but we have developed a unique twist on European schnapps, that is especially tailored to local palates.”
This latest award follows recent successes with its Classic, Rubus Patch and Stallion gin, which have all claimed ‘Gold’ at international spirits competitions in Melbourne and Asia.
The distillery was also named as a leading food and drink innovator in 2017 for its schnapps range in the book Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations, which showcased 50 stand-out products across the entire Australian food value chain.
Wildbrumby was chosen for its focus on product experience and the personalisation of its ever-growing range of contemporary Australian spirits.