L’Étape Australia by le Tour de France
L’Étape Australia by le Tour de France is a unique road cycle event that provides an experience as close to riding in the Tour de France as it is possible for an amateur to get. Staged in the Snowy Mountains on 160km of fully closed roads, traversing through a multitude of stunning landscapes and topographies and truly challenging climbs, and run under professional Tour de France Race conditions, the route includes a 350m Sprint section and two challenging King of the Mountain sections.
There are two distances: The Race of 157km and the Ride of 126km. The ride includes the Sprint section in Berridale and the infamous first King of the Mountain section Col de Beloka, but excludes the final push up Col Kosciuszko to Perisher.
The local communities have truly embraced the Tour de France coming to the Snowy Mountains. The entire route is decorated with cycling paraphernalia, some exquisite works of art. The towns and villages have adopted the colours of the Tour de France: yellow (Jindabyne), green (Berridale) and polka dot (Dalgety). Last year thousands of locals lined the route with their cow bells, flags and encouragement; the welcome from the local community was extraordinary and created a wonderful ambience throughout the day.
Reigning Tour de France champion Chris Froome will again ride L’Étape Australia – providing some clinics on Friday and then riding from the back of the pack to the front on Saturday. While many have watched Chris Froome from the sidelines or on TV, few have had the opportunity to ride with him.
The legendary voice of cycling Phil Liggett will be calling in the riders at the Finish of the Race in Perisher, and Matt Keenan will be calling in the riders at the Finish of the Ride in Jindabyne.
L’Etape Australia Cycle Ride – by Le Tour De France
Over 3,500 riders will take part in one of two rides through the Snowy Mountains starting from Bullocks Flat in Perisher. The 157km course finishes on Kosciuszko Road at Perisher and the 126km course finishing at Jindabyne.
Road closures will be in place in Thredbo, Perisher, Jindabyne, RockyPoint, Berridale and Dalgety between 5.15am and 4.30pm. Key roads include Alpine Way, Eucumbene Rd, Kosciuszko Rd, Barry Way, Dalgety Rd and the Snow River Way.
Access arrangements:
– Police will manage access to/from Jindabyne via Kosciuszko Rd from 8.30am to 3pm.
– From Berridale/Dalgety access to Jindabyne between 5am and 7am via Dalgety Rd, Dalgety and Snowy River Way, Beloka only.
– From Berridale/Dalgety access to Jindabyne between 12:15pm and 2pm via Dalgety Rd only.
– Northbound traffic from Jincumbilly will be held at Dalgety until Snowy River Way reopens at 2pm.
– Westbound traffic from Cooma will be held at Berridale until Middlingbank Rd reopens at 10.50am.
– Local resident access maintained on Kosciuszko Rd from Berridale to Eucumbene Road, Hill Top from 6am to 10.50am.
From 5.30am to 8:30am
- Alpine Way between Friday Drive (Thredbo Village) and Kosciuszko Road
From 5:15am to 9:15am
- Kosciuszko Road(1, 2, 3) between Alpine Way and Eucumbene Road (westbound)
1 Managed access to/from Jindabyne from 8:30am to 3pm. Follow Police and Traffic Control staff instructions at the location
2 Access to Jindabyne from Berridale via Dalgety detour between 5am and 7am.
3 Local resident access on Kosciuszko Road maintained from Berridale as far as Eucumbene Road.
From 6:00am to 10:50am
- Eucumbene Road between Kosciuszko Road and Rocky Plains Road
- Rocky Plains Road between Eucumbene Road and Middlingbank Road
From 6:00am to 10:50am
- Middlingbank Road between Kosciuszko Road and Rocky Plain Road
- Jindabyne Road Between Middlingbank Road and Myack Street
From 6:00am to 12:45pm
- Mayack Street between Kosciuszko Road and Dalgety Road
From 7:15am to 12:15pm
- Campbell Street between Barnes Street and The Snowy River Way
- Dalgety Road between Myack Street and Barnes Street
From 7:15am to 2pm
- The Snowy River Way (4) between Dalgety Road and Barry Way
Note 4 – Between 7:15am and 2pm all westbound vehicles approaching Dalgety will be stopped at Dalgety until the road reopens. From 12:15pm vehicles will be able to travel to Jindabyne via Berridale
From 7:30am to 2:00pm
- Barry Way (5) between The Snowy River Way and Kosciuszko Road
Note 5 – Managed access between Nettin Circuit and Reedys Cutting Road
From 8:30am to 4:30pm
- Kosciuszko Road between Alpine Way and Perisher Village
For additional information click here.