Supplying Transport to and from Snowy River Shire
Council would like to outline the differences between the Transconnect bus service and the new NSW Trainlink service scheduled to commence 1 July 2014. Both services will ultimately complement one another with the aim to improve access to and from the Shire.
“Council and community members have been working to obtain these two services for our community for many years. These pilot services will only become a permanent, year round transport system if the community support and patronise them. If we want to keep the services we need to demonstrate to the State Government that they are frequently used” explained Joseph Vescio, General Manager.
Transconnect is a community care style transport service designed to provide access to community members who are transport disadvantaged. Once the bus arrives in Canberra there is up to a four hour turn around period designed to allow travellers the opportunity to attend appointments or do shopping before the return journey. Turn around time depends on the destination access point. The service does drop off at the bus and airport terminals.
The NSW Trainlink service is primarily designed to link travellers with buses and trains to continue their journey. Therefore NSW Trainlink has a one hour turn around, as apposed to the Transconnect four hour turn around.
The Snowy River community is unique in the fact that during the winter our population increases with those coming down to work or visit. Whether a resident is permanent or temporary they qualify to use the Transconnect service. Where spare seats are available visitors to our region may also access the Transconnect service. It is noted however, that ‘residents’ will take priority.
“The Transconnect bus service has flexibility on the days of service provision, so it may alter the days of operation to Tuesdays and Thursdays once the NSW Trainlink bus commences, depending upon passenger numbers. This will then compliment the NSW Trainlink schedule to ensure that our region has a sustainable Monday to Friday service and will ensure that both pilot projects are utilised”. advised Tabitha Williams, Acting Manager Community Care.
Council thanks those who have been using and promoting the Transconnect bus service. To book your seat on the Transconnect bus or for more information please phone Council on 6451 1054. The Transconnect timetable and cost is available on our website.
Read more about Snowy River Shire Council’s latest news at http://www.snowyriver.nsw.gov.au