Matt de Waard - MJD Photos

Arts & Cultural Activities

Jindabyne if full of artistic talented people, from painters to sculptors, photographers and crafters.

Their works can be seen in a number of places around Jindabyne, usually in gift shops supporting local artists such as Romance Me in Nuggets Crossing, Design Detail in Town Centre and the Kosciuszko National Park Visitors Centre gift shop.

In Autumn, over Easter, Jindabyne comes alive with the Lake Light Sculpture Festival. Here you can wander the path of the foreshore from Banjo Paterson Park and view the exhibits by day or spectacularly lit by night.

At the same time, the Art Show and Quilting Exhibition is in full swing in the Memorial Hall. Painting and Photographs are available to purchase from the Art Show, a perfect opportunity to show your support of Jindabyne artists.

If you're not here over Easter, not to worry. You can view a smaller selection of sculptures along the foreshore, and up atLake Crackenback Resort and Spa, there are approximately 20 sculptures from previous Festivals mounted around the grounds. So take a stroll along the Sculpture Walking Trail and enjoy!

Our local digital photographers are a talented group of individuals too. You can view their work all throughout this website, and also over on the Locals page where we have featured their art, and linked back to their media. Have a look, appreciate and engage with them.

The cinema in Jindabyne is located in the National Park building near Parc Cafe. Enjoy a movie on Cheap Tuesdays or any day of the week.

Street Art Jindabyne

Art & Culture Business Listings

Wildbrumby Distillery

Wildbrumby Distillery

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Jai Yoga

Jai Yoga

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Nicole McLeod Photography

Nicole McLeod Photography

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Tall Red Poppy Marketing

Tall Red Poppy Marketing

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Jindabyne Art Gallery

Jindabyne Art Gallery

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100 Things to Do in

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100Things to do in Jindabyne

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