Jindabyne's Fabulous Photographers
Inspiration for the many artists living and working in Jindabyne is certainly not lacking. There are so many great landmarks and landscapes to inspire these talented souls well into the future.
Art today comes in many newly developed forms. On top of the traditional painters, sculptors and quilters, come a new breed of artist, the digital photographers and videographers.
These talented people, who often have other full time work, devote hours every day to the capturing and editing of hundreds and hundred of images and video. Their work is viewed daily by thousands of people on social media feeds, and it is with great pride that they not only show their work, but strive every day to make a difference in someones life by performing it.
Here, you will find the links to a great many of these wonderfully talented people. So I encourage you to visit their sites, buy their work, show your support and engage them where you can. They mean a great deal to the people of Jindabyne because they showcase this wonderful town so very well, they make us all extremely proud, and to have them do this on our behalf ... well, we're very grateful.
By the way, you will see their wonderful photography showcased all over this website, so enjoy it and a great many thanks go to them.

Didj Mick Hopkins
is it snowing yet??
its all part of the friendly service...theres no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing...I think I know why the dog howls at the moon

Adam Klumper