Living & Working in Jindabyne
As the saying goes, if you weren't born here you're not a local. But, that's never stopped many people from making this great town home.
It's one thing to visit, even a few times a year, and another to make this place your permanent home. You come to appreciate the surroundings on a much more intimate level. Every day, the sunsets amaze, every day the weather shows up and makes our pretty lake dance in the sun or the storms.
The people are full of smiles, and helpful advice, and caring for each other. There's nothing that a team of Jindy Mum's can't do and nothing that the guys can't fix, make or grow.
The services to the town are on the up and up, we'd like to say the internet's great but it's not. But that's not to say we don't live in hope. We do. With NBN being introduced, we could be on the brink of a new generation.
Here you can hope to find a helpful community link, to a business, a story, an article, a post or a page that will help you along your way, living and working in Jindabyne. It'll be an evolutionary process to present all of the relevant information here in a cohesive way, but as I said, we live in hope 🙂
Community Services & Groups
Jindabyne Community Garden
Above the Jindabyne Oval
Margaret Chalk
T. 0418 610 986
fb. www.facebook.com/growjindy
This garden is owned by the residents of Jindabyne and managed by a local committee. Semi-regular. Working bees. Please help ensure the garden thrives by treating it with respect and care.
German Language Conversation Group
Contact Tabitha
T. 0413 970 082
Native speakers and learners both welcome!
French Conversation Group
5:30pm Wednesdays at the Neighbourhood Centre
Snowy River Avenue, Jindabyne
Contact Malika
T. 0434 897 600
Jindy Meditators
GP Superclinic – Educational room, Jindabyne Medical Centre
Contact: Peta Truscott
T. 0414 831435
Contact: Laurinda Allen
T.0410 474 584
Free weekly meditation sessions.
5.30 every Wednesday
Alcoholics Anonymous
Contact: Rick 0499 074 015, Joe 0438 695 008
Mondays 7PM
Uniting Church, Gippsland St, Jindabyne
Country Womens Association
CWA Hall, Thredbo Tce, Jindabyne
Contact: Christina Webb
T. 6456 2279
Cookery competitions, handcrafts, lobbying governments on a variety of subjects, raising money to provide grants to local children, producing special packs for new mothers, babies and children, discovering a different country each year, investigating Australian flora, fauna and primary products, etc.
Snowy River Mens Shed
Tinworth Drive (turn-off for airport). At entrance to the airport
Contact: Shane Trengove
Brian Phillips 0402 145 098
Every Thursday: 9:30pm – 3:30pm
Workshop and meeting room available. Come and say hello. All welcome.
Snowy Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
Snowy River Ave. Jindabyne NSW 2627
(Rear of Visitors Centre)
Centre Coordinator
T. (02) 6457 1044
P.O. Box 241 Jindabyne NSW 2627
http://www.snowymountainsneighbourhoodcentre.org/ (under construction)
1st Kosciuszko Scouts
Scout Hall at Scout Activity Centre
Barry Way, Jindabyne
Contact: Bob Cleworth
T. 6456 7494
M. 0418 693 423
E 1stkosciuskoscouts@gmail.com
F https://www.facebook.com/scoutsnsw/?fref=nf
Mondays: Joeys - ages 6 - 7 yrs @ 15:45-16:45pm
Cubs - ages 8 – 10yrs @ 16:45-18:15pm
Scouts – ages 11-14 yrs @ 18:30-20:30pm
Outdoor and other scouting activities for boys and girls relevant to the age group. Accredited training available for adults (over 18) to become leaders, or adult helpers.
TS Orion
Australian Naval Cadets
NSW Sport & Recreation Centre
Lodge 5, 207 Barry Way, Jindabyne
Contact: Linda
T. 02 6450 0200
E. linda.topalovic@cadetnet.gov.au
5:30PM to 9PM Tuesdays
We are committed to providing and enjoying a positive
and safe youth development experience, respecting the
value and dignity of all.
Emergency Contacts
Police, Fire and Ambulance
T 000
T 132 500
T 1800 201 000
T 0428 637 307 AH
Water & Sewerage
Business Hours: 02 6451 1195
After hours: 0418 672 523 / 0408 484 853
Snowy River Fire Control
T 6456 4555
Lifeline Connect
T 13 11 14
Kids Help Line
T 1800 551 800 (free call)
Beyond Blue
T 1300 224 636
Justice of the Peace
Denise Ann Ackary 02 6456 2551
Thomas Robert Barry 0438 561 405
John Charles Bottrill 0409 043 074
Andrew David Burke 02 6456 2244
Anthony Robert Butler 0412 567 261 Kalkite
Ronald John Carey 0402 854 744
Stephen Chatterton 02 6456 7330 Kalkite
Kerry Maria Coomber 02 6450 5600
Tony Maxwell Edwards 02 6456 2244
Brian Russell Farmer 0428 619 788
Robert Douglas Frost 0408 167 767
Onee Chantal Gerrard 0402 014 121
Paula Jane Gidley 0408 310 552
Angelo David Giuffre 02 6456 2962
Joan Herringer 0413 928 208
Dennis John Lees 02 6456 2460
Iain Alisdair Macdonald 0438 001 266
Carole Morris 02 6456 2888
Arthur John Owens 02 6457 8334
Janet Frances Owens 02 6457 8334
Craig Ashley Parker 0408 643 439
Josephine Parks 0412 484 788
David Paterson 0410 610 681
Noreen Pendergast 02 6456 2454
Gloria Lynette Phillips 02 6457 2425
Elaine Prochaska 02 6456 1256
Steven John Redden 02 6450 5522
Carol Janet Schubert 02 6450 5619
John Henry Shumack 0417 682 644
Christopher Simpson 02 6457 1594
Lennard Mel Thompson 02 6456 2137
Tommy Tomasi 02 6456 1363
Karen Irene Walsh 02 6450 5500
Medical Services
Dawson Street Dental Services
1 Snowy River Avenue
Jindabyne NSW 2630
T. 6456-2096
9:00 to 5:00 Thursdays only in Jindy
Snowy Mountains Dental
Office 5, 6 Park Road, Jindabyne NSW 2627
T. 02 6456 1870
E: reception@snowydental.com.au
8:30AM to 5:00PM Tuesday to Friday
Snowy Mountains Dental in Jindabyne NSW serves the Monaro and NSW ski fields. We are the nearest dental practice to the NSW ski resorts of Thredbo, Perisher and Charlotte Pass.
Jindabyne Medical Centre
5 Thredbo Terrace, Jindabyne (Opposite Fire/Ambulance stations)
T. 6457 1221
E. doctors@jindabynemedical.com.au
9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, (Hours extended during winter).
Summer hours: 9AM -5PM Mon – Fri
Winter: 8:30AM – 5:30PM 7 days
Male and female GPs, skin checks, pathology, X-ray, ultrasound, fracture management, visiting gastroenterologist, visiting psychologist, visiting sports physician
Capital Pathology
5 Thredbo Terrace, Jindabyne
T. 6457 2209
The Wednesday Room @ Jindabyne Medical Practice
T 6457 - 1221
Wednesdays from 2PM
Pap smears, youth health services, sexual health. Bulk billed for Medicare card holders.
Community Health Centre
17 Bent St, Jindabyne
Contact: Kerri Robinson
T 6457 2074
Tue and Thu 8.30am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
Community nurse, community midwife, patient education, dietician, podiatry, foot-care, mental health worker, councellor, drug and alcohol, sexual assault worker, speech pathology, stoma care, womens health, woundcare and audiometry.
All services are free to holders of a Medicare card.
Jindabyne Pharmacy
Shop 21 Nuggets Crossing
Jindabyne NSW 2627
(02) 6456 2977
Summer Hours
Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30 Sat 9-1 Sun Closed
EXTENDED hours in winter - Open later and 7 days providing pharmacy services, health, beauty products and skincare, photographic, health food and gifts.
Snowy Mountains Medical Centre
Shop 22 Nuggets Crossing
Jindabyne NSW 2627
(02) 6456 2545
Dr M Williamson
Dr M Macfarlane
Mr K Ratana
Dr S Breathour
9am – 3pm, except Tue 1pm – 5pm
Female Dr available Mon, Tue PM and Friday
General Practice, psychologist, pathology, in clinic skin care range.
Public Toilets
Town Centre 33 Kosciuszko Road
Nuggets Crossing Shopping Centre 6 Kosciuszko Road
Banjo Paterson Park 2 Bay Street
Clay Pits Park 6339 Kosciuszko Road
Sporting Clubs
Jindabyne Indoor Pool
Nuggets Crossing Shopping Centre
T (02) 6456 1051
Winter Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11:00am - 6:30pm
Summer Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11:00am - 6:30pm
Christmas / School Holidays open 7 Days per week
Lake Jindabyne Snow Dragons
E: snowdragons@flowingfestival.com.au
fb www.facebook.com/pages/Lake-Jindabyne-SnowDragons/307454224782
Dragon boat racing on Lake Jindabyne.
NSW Nordic Ski Club
F: www.facebook.com/nordicskiclub
Explore beyond the ski-fields, trips to suit everyone, newsletters, club meetings, accurate snow reports, shared travel, ski-patrol training, and environment safety.
Disabled Wintersport Australia
Friday Flat, Thredbo
Contact: Sven Erikson
T 0406 367 899
E sven@disabledwintersport.com.au
W http://www.disabledwintersport.com.au/
DWA’s mission is: “To promote and foster the advancement of participation by people with a disability in wintersport both in Australia and overseas”
Jindabyne Tennis Club
Jindabyne Bowling and Sports Club
Bay St Jindabyne
T (02) 6457 1350 (Pat) or 0400 327 331 (Tony)
E suepatedmondson@aapt.net.au or adsl75rm@tpg.com.au
Social tennis and competitions for youths and adults
Lake Jindabyne Sailing Club
fb www.facebook.com/sailjindabyne?fref=ts
Contact: Ian Foster
T (02) 6457 6600
Lake Jindabyne SC is the highest sailing club in the country, and holds social and competition races on Wednesday evenings for twilight and Saturday afternoons through the summer.
Jindabyne Cycling Club
PO Box 733, Jindabyne 2627
Contact: John Castellari
T 0413 869 733
E secretary@jindabynectmc.com.au
fb www.facebook.com/groups/409487805751658/
Jindabyne Cycling Club is an incorporated not-for-profit club which fosters all kinds of cycling in Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains region in general.
Action Sports Training
Indoor Sports Centre, 207 Barry Way, Jindabyne, NSW 2627
P. 0415 942 238
Action Sports Training, located in Jindabyne (NSW), is a custom built training facility for all forms of action sports from skiing and snowboarding to wakeboarding or free running.
Our extensive classes range from kids gymnastics up to adult "free bounce" sessions, and experienced coaching staff cater for beginners right up to professional athletes.
Action Learning Initiatives
Action Learning Initiatives specialises in outdoor education and accommodation in the Snowy Mountains.
We offer experiences and journeys that build new skills, challenge people to grow, connect people to the natural environment and take education outcomes into the outdoors.
P. (02) 6457 2788
Bungarra Lane, NSW 2627
Email: info@action-learning.com.au
Website: http://www.action-learning.com.au/
Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre
207 Barry Way, Jindabyne NSW 2627
P. (02) 6450 0200 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Two hours south-west of Canberra in the heart of the Snowy Mountains, Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre provides a range of services, facilities and accommodation options for school camps, family camps, kids’ camps, sporting events, weddings, ski trips, weekend escapes, corporate training, community groups and more.
Jindabyne Touch Football (Bushpigs)
fb www.facebook.com/groups/155209401291366/
Jindabyne Bowling Club
fb www.facebook.com/ClubJindabyne
T. (02) 6456 2133
The Club offers lawn bowls, tennis and squash. Annual membership is only $11 and gives members discounts an food, drinks and sport. Raffles and members badge draws take place every Wednesday and Friday.
The club also hosts: a Mahjong Club, the Bridge Group, Mature Age Computer Club and a Darts Competition in summer.
There is live music approximately once a month in summer as well as two to three times a week in winter.
Jindabyne Aero Club
Contact: Peter Lehane
T 0477695507
W www.jindabyneaeroclub.org.au
Wednesday and Saturday Mornings at Hatchery Bay
Jindabyne Aero Club’s main function is to promote and develop aviation in the Snowy River Area. Our members include private pilots, aviation enthusiasts, students, model aircraft flyers and plane spotters of all ages.
The club is involved with aviation education, community events, airfield maintenance and social events. Our Club is based at the Jindabyne Randall Community Aerodrome located conveniently close to the township of Jindabyne. We welcome new members of any age and background.
Jindabyne Pony Club
Cnr Barry Way & Tinworth Dv. Jindabyne
PO Box 432, Jindabyne, NSW 2627
T. 0418 968 018
Disciplines Offered: Certificates, Cross Country, Dressage, Grooming, Riders without Horses, Showjumping, Club Facilities, Club House, Combined Training, Dressage, One Day Eventing, Showing, Showjumping
Snowy Mountains Motorcycle Club
76 Snowgrass Drive, Jindabyne
Contact: Dave Kelly
M 0419 248 021
E snowymotorcycleclub@outlook.com
W www.snowymountainsmotorcycleclub.org
SMMC is a combination of motorcyclists from all avenues, seeking to provide events and facilities where residents, tourists and local community groups can participate in organised activities.
Snowy Shooters
SSAA (NSW) Snowy River Branch Inc, Coolamatong Range, including Snowy River Pistol Club, Kosciuzsko Road, Berridale.
PO Box 362, Jindabyne, NSW 2627.
President: John Gibson
E: president@snowyshooters.com.au
SSAA: Craig Parker m: 0490 228 470
PO Box 362 Jindabyne NSW 2630.
Pistol: Harry Hovasapian m: 0407 674 023
E: pistol.secretary@snowyshooters.com.au
PO Box 109 Berridale NSW 2628.
Faith Services
St. Columbkille Catholic Church
2 Kosciuszko Rd, Jindabyne NSW 2627
Phone: (02) 6456 2357
Weekend Mass Times Sunday 8:30 AM
Alpine Uniting Church
T 6456 2411 - Gordon Wilson
E owen@snowymountainschurch.com
W www.snowymountainschurch.com.au
The Anglican and Uniting Churches in partnership
Church services - see web page for times
Op-Shop - Wednesdays and Saturdays 10am to 2pm
19 Gippsland Street, Jindabyne.
Sunday services in Jindabyne and Berridale
PO Box 725, Jindabyne 2627
Contact: Rev. Owen Davies
Schools & Kids
Jindabyne Bubs Club
CWA Hall, Thredbo Tce
Contact: Chrissie
T 6456 2279
11am-12.30 every Thursday
Babies up to 9 months. Free. Weekly speakers
Jindy Jive for Under Fives
Jindabyne Neighbourhood Centre
Snowy River Avenue
Every Wednesday 11AM (except school holidays) Music and dance group for toddlers. No need to book. BYO morning tea.
Gidgillys Early Education and Care Centre
6 Poley Cow Lane, Jindabyne 2627
Contact: Erin Shortland
T 6457 2111
Snowy Mountains Childcare and Early Learning Centre
1 Bent Street, Jindabyne NSW 2627
T 02 6456 2569
Snowy Mountains Grammar School
6339 Kosciuszko Rd, Jindabyne 2627
T. 6457 1022
E. info@smgs.nsw.edu.au
fb. www.facebook.com/SnowyMountainsGrammarSchool
Jindabyne Central School
8 Park Rd, Jindabyne 2627
T. 6456 2346
E. jindabyne-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au
W. www.jindabyne-c.schools.nsw.edu.au
fb. www.facebook.com/JindabyneCentralSchool
Monaro Mobile Pre-School
Family Daycare - Sandra
P. 0412 485 212
Jindabyne Babysitting
Beth Taylor
W. www.jindabynebabysitting.com.au
E. jindabynebabysitting@gmail.com
T. 0403 313 040
Jindabyne Babysitting is committed to connecting families with quality care in the Snowy Mountains year-round. Our carers all have Working With Children Checks and current First Aid certifications.
Salvo’s Employment Plus
Jindabyne & Cooma
T 02 6452 2077
Snowy Staff – Jindabyne
T 02 6457 1950
Jindabyne Job Guide
Real Estate
Kozscuszko First National
Raine and Horne
Ray White
Main Range Real Estate
Forbes and Styne
Jindabyne Real Estate
Auto Services
Caltex (Woolworths)
4-6 Kosciusko Rd, Jindabyne
P. (02) 6456 2117
24 Hour BP Service Station
8 Kosciusko Rd, Jindabyne
(02) 6921 4199
Shell Snowline Service Station
T. (02) 6456 2270
6532 Kosciuszko Road Jindabyne 2627
Snowy Valley Service Centre
5332 Kosciusko Road, Jindabyne East NSW 2627
T. (02) 6456 7112
Dinners Ready, Community Postal Agency, Metro Petroleum, The Bottle-O, Jindabyne Butcher Meats (Frozen Only)
Banks & ATMs
Snowy Region Visitors Centre
Kosciuszko Road, Jindabyne
ANZ Bank
Town Centre, Jindabyne
Commonwealth Bank
Shop 6 Nuggets Crossing, Jindabyne
Mon-Thurs 9:30am-4:00pm
Fri 9:30am-5:00pm
Services: Foreign Exchange, Financial Planner, Business Banking, Loans, Audio ATM, ATM 24/7
St George Building Society
Nuggets Crossing, Jindabyne
Westpac Bank
Shop 18 Nuggets Crossing
Snowy River Ave, Jindabyne
Mon-Thurs 9:30am-4:00pm
Fri 9:30am-5:00pm
Services: ATM 24/7, Audio ATM, Accepts Deposits, Disabled Access, Foreign Currency Pre-Order, Night Safe
E. jindabynebranch@westpac.com.au
P. (02) 6450 5944
Postal Services
Australia Post
6 Gippsland St
Open Mon-Fri 9-5
P. 131318
Community Postal Agent
Snowy Valley Service Station, East Jindabyne
P. 6456 7112
Pet & Wildlife Services
LAOKO - Looking after our Kosciuszko Orphans
24 Hour Emergency Hotline: (02) 64561313
Jindabyne Dog School
PO Box 276, Jindabyne
Pony Club Grounds
T. (02)6457 8189 (Linda) or (02) 6457 8221 (Sandy)
Set course dates. Phone Linda or Sandy for dates and times. Jindabyne Dogs School offers basic obedience, agility, rally-o and lots of fun for dogs and handlers.
Puppy school (4 weeks long) is held at Snowy Vets
Snowy Vets – Jindabyne Animal Hospital
15 Crawford St, Leesville Estate, Jindabyne
T. 6455 7888